Letter from Dorothy Fleming, 13th December
On hearing of the deaths of Bill and Carmella Robson
Dear Clair,
I was so sorry to hear from Charles Oppenheimer of the deaths of dear
old Bill and 'Ma' Robson, as Mac used to call her. That they should
have gone like that, almost hand in hand, was nice for them, but must
have made great solitude for you. That they should have lived to so
happy an old age is the reward for the loving care and devotion you
gave them, which has filled so great a part of your life. I am glad
poor old Mac went first ~ he would have felt it so much ~ the loss of
his old friends was always a deep grief to him.
I would have written before, but unfortunately was smitten last week
with a tiresome attack of 'flu, which kept me in bed for several days.
My love to you all and my deepest sympathy.
Dorothy L Fleming
They were always so sweet to me when I came round to see you all ~ only
the other day I was thinking of your mother in her tomato-house ~ and
all the ferns she used to cultivate in Chianti-bottles!