Letter to William Robson from E A Hornel, 9th August

Letter to William Robson from E A Hornel, 9th August 1907.

Florence Hotel, Kandy
My dear Robson, I have just written Father McHardy a few lines, seeing his long looked for letter has never come to hand.Well I was very pleased to get your letter with all the news, which made me feel I had been over to Archies for an afternoon. I saw by the Kirkcudbright Advertiser your Sports etc. went off very well, and that you as usual took a very active part also the children who I was glad to see scooped in many of the prizes. I was sorry ....................................
However I hope in spite of all bad Radical administration a first class Rifle Club House will be established in your midst. I will be home soon now and I look forward to our little walks and talks together. I will finish my work here next month, as I have got a great quantity now of material which will keep me finishing up for a long long time to come. I am now doing a lot of studies of details of all kinds so I will not be handicapped at home when finishing up the pictures.We leave here for a short holiday in Australia on the 21st September and leave Ceylon for home on the 18th November, so that if all goes well we should be home in good time for Xmas rejoicings. After leaving Galli we went up country to the Tea Country and stayed with friends in a bungalow - the air was cold and for the ten days we were there it rained every day and all day. English flowers grow there and the blackbird sang in its sweetest songs every night and morning. then we came down to Kandy where we will be til within a few days of leaving for Australia. Kandy is a beautiful town and within four miles there is a fine Botanical Garden where I am finding some very excellent material. All the government experts live there and they one and all have been very helpful and exceedingly attentive. I have all over my visit been met with great kindness everywhere and I shall always remember Gallo especially for all that is best and charming in Sing.... life. On the whole we have a most enjoyable time though the elements very trying indeed and in fact by the end of September I will just have enough of it. I think I prefer a country that leans to the cold side as there is a deal of comfort in a roaring fire and good blankets. We are getting home when we will have plenty of use for these luxuries and I look forward to facing a home winter of what ever type with .... satisfaction and pleasure. I will be very pleased to hear again from you: you will have plenty of time ...... before I leave for Australia, but address your letter and art: Father McH and do the same to the Post Restanto Colombo. M.. H joins in all good wishes for Mrs Robson and family, Marie and yourself. Hoping you are all well and flourishing....
Your true friend,
A E Hornel