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Name: roy henderson (river baliff s.n.t. threave)     E-mail:    

Message: very informative material with up to date information, hope it will flourish. useful for the visiting anglers .

Name: John Dickenson     E-mail:    

Message: This site brings back many memories. I was brought up at Kendoon and spent many happy camping trips through the Galloway hills. My favourite place was always Loch Enoch, favourite hill was Carlin's Cairn and favourite camping place was Back Hill o' Bush. Thanks for bringing back many memories. But oh the midgies!!!

Name: Flint     E-mail:    

Message: Just thought I'd like to say that the photographs of Galloway on this site are really good.

Name: ...         

Message: I think this website is a great way of letting the people with fishing interests on the DEE/KEN catchment know what is happening and being planned for the future. However, I do feel more needs to be done to encourage 'catch and release' on the Dee/Ken, in particular: the early running fish, the coloured fish at the backend of the year and the Sea Trout as there are few of these about. Overall, I think the DKDSFB are doing an excellent job and it looks good future.

Name: Gus     E-mail:    

Message: Thank you for visiting the site. I hope you have found it interesting. If you would like to leave a message, or have any comments to make, please do so using the link above ..

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