Letter to William Robson from Francis

Letter to William Robson from Francis Maughan in Paris, 31st March 1897.

Dear Olde Bill,
Doesn't the above make your mouth water? I drink your health in Tummel old man - Paris is delightful, the sky such a blue ~ everything bright and joyous. Many thanks for yr letter, it gave me much pleasure indeed to have yr news ~ no apology was necessary about the colours, am glad that they were of use. Am leaving here tomorrow for Neice and Monte Carlo where I intend to have a little flutter and from there I shall go on to Rome and stay there with the President and on to Capri where I intend settling down for some time. Fortunately I shall have an attractive model and shall try to do something new if possible., however 'nous verrons'. I saw somebody that we both know intimately the other night and she inquired kindly after you, but Oh how changed. I am having a good time here and wish you were with me old chap. The cottage is to let and shall not be back there for some time. I will write you long letters from Capri as there I intend being very quiet indeed ~ Goodbye with best love to Carmela and the children. Ever yr good friend, Francis