Letter to William Robson from Paris, 13th October

Letter to William Robson from Paris, 13th October 1896

Dear Olde Robson, With many regrets I am compelled to say that I can not possibly come to Scotland, I have been unexpectedly delayed and now I have not the time. I expect to leave here in a few days for London, stay there a few days and then sail for America. If you should happen to be in London at that time I should be very pleased to know it and if such is the case you can direct a letter to me, care R J Stannard, 30 Geat Russell Square, London. If I do not see or hear from you I will drop you a line as soon as I get to America, my American address is c/o R I Whulman, Providence, Rhode Island, U S A. I am more than sorry I that I cannot come to see you but have had some hard luck and must wait until I come to Europe again which time I hope will not be very far away. Give my kind regards to Madame and friends and hoping this will find dear olde 'Bill Robson' ' right in it' I wish you every success and hope to have many a day with you again.
Very sincerely, H C Farmer