William Robson back in Scotland ~ 1896 to 1950 William Robson returned to Scotland in 1896 and lived for six years in Edinburgh, becoming President of the Scottish Society of Artists in 1902. He exhibited regularly at the 'Royal Scottish Academy', the 'Royal Glasgow Institute' and the 'Royal Academy'. Robson and his family visited Kirkcudbright in 1904 for a three week holiday in 'Woodlea', a house lent to him by his friend Manncey. He discovered the clarity of light and the expanse of skies in Galloway were alike to those in Capri, and determined to live and paint in Galloway, and did so for nearly fifty years until his death in 1950. As an artist, it became an important part of his life's work to capture quickly, in pastel, the light and colour of a fleeting moment. This was his inspiration, and in his work, he homed in to capture the awe inspiring moment in a dawn or a sunset. Many of his pastels capture the wonderful and unexpected effects of light that are so much a part of Galloway. To view Robson's work during his life in Galloway ~