Galloway Fisheries
Trust Report ~ March 2003 |
Galloway Fishery Trust's report for the
D(K)DSFB, 13th March 2003.
1. Continue to work on Scottish Power Report to examine possible
locations for new hatchery. Concentrating now on three locations (near
Tongland Dam, Kenmure Fish Farm and Dullarg Burn (tributary of Shirmers
Burn)). In particular will examine head water quality, flow reliability,
security, power, accessibility, additional costs, land ownership etc.
2. Assistance provided to members of DSFB to undertake eggbox
work/redd stocking at Grobdale Burn. Further egg boxes and equipment supplied
for work in upper catchment. All stocking will be monitored by electrofishing
during summer 2003.
3. Acidification - GFT continue to work on this
issue in particular with reference to : a) Forest and Water Guidelines
4th Edition (some improvements since initial consultation) b) Forest Enterprise
Galloway Forestry Strategy (much improved latest edition)
4. Fish Counter - Monthly reports produced for
January and February 2003 (circulated). Little to report but will expand
once runs start properly.
5. GFT comments submitted regarding Dee/Ken catchment plan.
6. GFT invited to attend future meeting of Fisheries (Electricity)
Committee, with Dee DSFB, to discuss Tongland Fish Pass. We have stated
we will attend depending on availability on date.
7. No habitat works undertaken during 2002. GFT plan various
works for 2003 which will be discussed at future DSFB meeting funded by
our 'Galloway Instream and Riparian Habitat Enhancement Project' which
covers the Luce, Bladnoch, Fleet, Cree, Urr and Dee. Discussions about
project funding have indicated that a few thousand may be available which
the GFT will co-ordinate its spending. This work will include riparian
deciduous tree planting (in particular willow) in the headwaters.
8. Fieldwork (trapping/electrofishing) for the Scottish Natural
Heritage contract 'Strategy for the Containment and possible eradication
of American Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in the River Dee
Catchment and Skyre Burn catchment, Dumfries and Galloway'. This report
is presently being written up and a summary will be provided to be attached
to today's meeting. |