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Galloway Fisheries Trust Report ~ September 2003  
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      Galloway Fishery Trust's report for the D(K)DSFB, 25th September 2003.

1.   During the springtime, GFT staff spent time with members of the RDDSFB to demonstrate the technique of planting salmon ova. Following this, a number of ova were planted by the RDDSFB at a number of sites. This summer, electrofishing was carried out by a 3 man team at 8 sites across the Dee catchment to monitor the success of this experimental stocking work. The results show that at all stocked sites, salmon fry were found at varying densities. However, as initial stocking densities are not known it is not possible to estimate egg to fry survival accurately. The GFT anticipate that next year electrofishing surveys at the same stocked sites will be valuable in providing an indication of fry to parr survival. Although egg survival appears to have been at acceptable levels, it is important to remember that there are still major issues regarding downstream migration. Until this issue is addressed, the GFT would suggest caution in stocking numbers of ova into the headwaters.

2.   HLF Area Bid.   An outline document has been submitted to HLF and feedback has been given. A meeting will be held within the next few weeks to discuss comments which will be passed to the RDDSFB following this meeting. A total of £30,000 has been applied for for the River Dee.

3.   The GFT's report 'Strategy for the Containment and Possible Eradication of American Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in the River Dee Catchment and Skyre Burn Catchment, Dumfries and Galloway' has now been passed to Scottish Natural Heritage. The report is currently being bound and should be released within the next month. The GFT have requested a copy for the RDDSFB. Various actions to control the spread of AS crayfish are proposed.

4.   Robin Rigg Fish Monitoring Group. The GFT are involved in a fisheries sub-committee of the main monitoring group. A monitoring protocol has been written by the GFT to cover salmon, sea trout, eels, lampreys, shad and sparling.

5.   Advisory/monitoring visits continue to be made at Tongland Dam. To address the problem with glare from the surface of the water, a fibreglass housing has been installed above the fish counter. Picture quality has now improved and video data is being produced. The fish counter itself has had a number of problems during August and September and some data had to be disregarded. However, following consultation with the counter manufacturer, maintenance was carried out and the counter parameters were altered. A test series of 'dummy fish' were sent to the counter and it now appears to be functioning correctly.

6.   An advisory visit has been carried out at Earlston Dam, where a new fish counter is to be installed. The manufacturer of the fish counter attended this site meeting and provided input on possible positions for the installation. Further consultation has been undertaken with Fishway Engineering who are currently drawing up plans for positioning of the new counter and counting zone.

7.   Hatchery.   Detailed plans are currently being drawn up for the hatchery building now that the land height survey data has been supplied. The hatchery will initially be able to on grow 200,000 ova. The plans will shortly be submitted to the planning department/ land owner for comment. The lease of the site will need to be secured soon.

8.   The GFT's Development Officer (DO) has recently shown visitscotland's photographer around the region, as the organisation is updating their fishing photographs. During the visit, efforts were concentrated on the area around the West of the region with coarse fishing, game fishing and sea fishing all being represented. Further visits are planned and the DO will aim to focus these towards the central part of the region.

9.   The DO has also been writing catchment descriptions for all of the Solway rivers for the website. The Dee catchment description should be live within the next month or so. The D(K)DSFB website will be given a link to the catchment description page for interested parties to access.
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